


*Please remember to send me your top 3 date choices (not times on same date).  It may not hurt to send more than 3. 






**Also please note current rates and prices above.  All payment is due the day of the session.  Even if you only want one family picture or one sibling picture it can not be considered an individual session and is a family or sibling session.  Thank you for understanding. 




Wed 12th


Thurs 13th


Sat 15th


Sund 16th

   8:30. ________  Taken__________

Mond 17th

   8:30 or 9_______________

   6:00 or 6:30____________

Tues 18th

   8:30 or 9_________________

   5:30, 6:00 or 6:30_______________

Wed 19th

   8:30 or 9____________________

   6 or 6:30___________________

Thur 20th


Tues 25th

   5:30, 6 or 6:30_______________

Wed 26th

    8:30 or 9___________________

    6:00 or 6:30________________

Thurs 27th


Frid 28th

   8:30 or 9_______________

Sund 30th

  8:30 or 9_________________
